My husband and I are spending the weekend in Chicago celebrating our mutual 40th birthdays. I turned 40 last month and he turns 40 next month. So, his wonderful family put us up in the Four Seasons in downtown Chicago for a weekend birthday celebration...but I digress, I'm not writing to talk about my fabulous weekend in Chicago, but more specifically the fabulous concert we saw Friday night and some observations.
We saw Tegan and Sara at the Aragon Ballroom. First of all, this was my first concert experience at the Aragon Ballroom and I sincerely hope it is not my last. What a fabulous venue! Second, Tegan and Sara rock the most and if I wasn't such a fanatical fan before the concert, I definitely would be after the concert. Damn they're good! I've been a Tegan and Sara fan for a several years now. I became a fan right around the time "Walking with a Ghost" was released. I love their music and lyrics. I'm one of those people who uses music to help me get through various situations in life. Tegan and Sara have helped me through more situations, good and bad, than I care to recall.
An observation from the concert, call me old...or call me old school...but what the hell is happening to concerts these days? Not the performers, but the audience?! When I'm at a concert, I sing along, dance, move, yell, clap, scream, make a complete and utter spectacle of myself. That's what a concert is for, right? Getting into the music. However, last night, I think I was hanging in the mellow old lady section or something. I was the only one moving, singing, not able to sit still in my seat. All those around me were too busy recording, taking pictures, and updating Facebook with their phone. Really?! Why go to a concert to view it though the screen of your phone? Insane?!? Or texting or updating Facebook? Why? Watch the show!!!! There is a live performance going on in front of their face yet they are too busy recording it so they can watch it back later?!?! HUH? If I want to watch concert footage on my computer or phone, I'll search YouTube. I go to a concert to watch the show. If I want to see pictures of a concert, I can get that off some random website. Why expericence a concert through a phone? I just don't get it. I tried to join in and I took one picture on my phone, actually, my husband took the picture on his phone. He graduated from Duke so he spent most of the concert checking his phone for Duke/Purdue score updates (thankfully Duke won). Here is the pic he took:
I must admit, I was on the second level and not on the floor, so perhaps I was with the old/mellow crowd, but looking down onto the floor, I saw the same thing happening...phones glowing, recording, taking pictures. I just don't get it. Okay, tangent is over. I've said my peace. Tegan and Sara rocked! One of those bands that sound just as good, if not better live than on their record. I used the word record... I'm vintage!
Oh, and if you didn't know, we are Hopie-Jo and we make bottle caps and bows. Even though you wouldn't know it from this particular blog! Thank you for letting me vent. We have new bows and a new charm holder listed on Funky Finds. Make sure you check 'em out!