The unveiling of Hopie-Jo’s first charm holder:
And it looks fabulous with charms and necklaces hanging from it! So functional, so fabulous!
We have been going back and forth with charm holder ideas. Trying different materials, throwing around different ideas, and this is our first success! We are so excited! Not only is it cute and functional but the material in the center was once a fabulous shirt, no longer worn, looking for a new meaning in life. We feel really good about reusing/upcycling old clothes. We’ve decided this is our charm holder calling, reusing/upcycling forgotten, outgrown, vintage, thrift store find clothing.
Since we both have pack rat tendencies this is proving to be a great idea for us. We both have this habit of cleaning out our closets of clothes we no longer wear just to put them in a big plastic container and stick it in the basement. You never know when you might need something again. The black floral velvet dress worn to a college formal too many years ago to admit, yeah, that will be worn again…NOT! How exciting to find that dress and realize how cute it will look as a charm holder!
Check out this pile of treasure!
It might not look like much now, but just wait until they have new life as charm holders.
Clothes may go in and out of style, but there is always a use for fun and funky material.
The charm holder will be going up on our Etsy shop soon. I know, I know, we’ve been saying that for awhile, but we promise, Etsy shop will be open this week!! Also, we are planning an Open House to showcase all our great stuff. If you are interested in being added to our email list to be notified of the Open House, emailed coupons for our Etsy shop, and general news on Hopie-Jo, please send us an email to and let us know you want to be “Hopie-Jo in the Know.”
On a personal note, Jo will be having back surgery on Friday, so please, everyone send good thoughts and prayers her way. Once she is back on her feet we have so many plans for Hopie-Jo!
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