Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Good News, the Bad News, and Hopie's Rockin' New Scarf

I should probably let you know the bad news first. Hopie-Jo has been rejected. *sigh* It's tough to be rejected. This is our first rejection and it doesn't feel good. We have been rejected by Chesterton's European Market!! I KNOW, we couldn't believe it either. So, we won't be selling our bottle cap bling at the Market as previously announced....bummer....never would have make us feel better they said they love our stuff but they have a "block" on jewelry...whatever that means. Doesn't make it sting any less.

So on to the good news! 'Cause good news is sooooooo much more fun! Jo and I are headed up to New Buffalo, Michigan tomorrow to get our picture taken, along with our bottle caps, barrettes, and headbands, for a press release for the craft fair we are doing up there Memorial Day weekend (take that European Market!! BLAH!) We are so excited! Gotta love free press! :) Anyone in the NW Indiana or SW Michigan area, here is the info on the craft fair.

St. John United Church of Christ, 200 West Buffalo, New Buffalo Michigan, on Saturday, May 29, 2010, from 10:00 AM—4:00 PM, EDT (Michigan Time)

Come on by, we will be there! We're gonna be in a press release to prove it.

And last but not least, remember this blog when I gushed all about our friends and how talented they are. And I also told you about a giveaway that my friend at Whoopsie Daisies was doing? Well, I didn't win the scarf (sadness) but I did decide to buy one. And boy am I glad I did!!!! It is gorgeous. I love it!!! I'm going to wear it out with my husband for our anniversary. I have no idea what else I'm going to wear, but I do know the whole outfit is going to be built around the scarf. Look how great it is!


RetroLeeTX said...

So glad you love it! I made one for myself and wore it all over San Francisco - so happy you are it's newest owner.

a.tonagel said...

Love it!!!!