Tomorrow, September 18 is the LaPorte Sunflower Fair!! Hopie-Jo will have booth set up so make sure you stop by and see us. It will be a fun day and the rain will stay away!!
As a "thank you" to all our fans, here is a coupon to print off, bring to the Sunflower Fair, and receive a discount on your entire Hopie-Jo purchase. What a deal!
Make sure you sign up for our newsletter. This is the last coupon we will post on our blog. In the future, only our newsletter subscribers will receive the coupon.
See you at the Sunflower Fair!
Friday, September 17, 2010
LaPorte Sunflower Fair Coupon!!
Posted by HopieJo at 12:03 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 5, 2010
New Product!! Multi-functional magnetic boards and bottle cap bling hooks
A couple weeks ago we came up with the idea to expand our bottle cap charm holders into a more functional all purpose magnetic board. Don't worry, we are still making smaller charm holders, we are just giving our buyers more options. Everybody likes options!
To realize our new product dream we had a very important task...SHOPPING!!!!! We headed into downtown Chesterton to Yesterday's Treasures, one of my favorite antique/vintage/resale type shops. They have everything there!! Jo and I were on the hunt for cute vintage fabric to cover the boards and also lace and crochet doilies/table runners/clothes/trim etc. Our trip was a complete success and we left Yesterday's Treasures with lots 'o treasures!
Two days ago we came up with the bottle cap bling hook idea to compliment our new boards. Which meant more shopping. We love shopping just as much as we love custom orders!
So here it is, our first multi functional magnetic board:
So what makes these boards so special and functional (besides the fact they are handmade with love and vintage/reused materials)?

Boards will be sold with 2 coordinating bottle cap bling hooks. We can custom make these to various sizes and colors. If you're interested, send us an email to We will also be selling boards at the LaPorte Sunflower Fair on September 18.
Also, for girlies that like headbands but aren't into bows and ribbons, we present the simple, yet stylish, bottle cap bling headband.

Posted by HopieJo at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 22, 2010
CAUTION - Rip Current Warning...please don't flash the fishes
In our last blog I mentioned that last Sunday Jo and I, and our families, went to the beach and the waves were HUGE, but I didn't have my camera to back up my claim of wave hugeness. I was smarter today.
I woke up this morning and immediately checked the weather. Had to make sure it was another perfect beach day for Jo and I and our families. Partly cloudy skies, upper 70s, no rain...but wait...a warning? What type of warning could there possibly be on such a perfect day? I clicked on the little warning sign and it said: CAUTION- Rip current warning. Which means only one thing HUGE WAVES!!!!!! Don't get me wrong, we take rip current warnings very seriously. First rule, respect Lady Lake Michigan. She is a beauty, but she can be deadly if not respected. So I went over all the rules with my kids about the waves and the rip currents, etc...then we all did a happy dance....WOO HOO BIG WAVES!!!!!
Enjoy some pics of our super fabulous day at the beach enjoying BIG WAVES! Thank you Mother Nature for the North winds blowing across Lake Michigan. And sorry to all the fishes I accidentally flashed while body surfing and being pounded by waves.
Posted by HopieJo at 2:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 20, 2010
Work Hard and Play Hard....well...kinda!
Reins of Life Dog and Pony Show...AWESOME!!! 2ND Saturday local artist event in LaPorte...AWESOME! It was a super busy Saturday last weekend, but we had a blast and it was well worth it.
We were a bit worried when we woke up to rain last Saturday, but by the time we got to Reins of Life and got our booth set up, the rain had stopped. One nice thing about the rain, it kept the heat down in the morning. By afternoon the sun came out as did the heat and humidity. But it was all good, we were in the horse barn! :) Oh yes, since the weather was hot, vendors got to set up in the horse arena of the barn. It definitely kept us cool, but the sand floor was a bit messy. Truth be told, we were glad to be inside.
Our families came to visit us and take in the events of the Dog and Pony show. I wanted to go home with a Shiloh Shepherd. She was a 9 month old rescue and I fell in love with her. But hubby said I refrained from adding extra chaos to our already hectic life. If it were up to Jo's kids, she would have been taking home a Japanese Chin. Anyway, we both made it through the day without adding a family member, much to the relief of our husbands.
After a long day at the Dog and Pony Show, we headed into LaPorte for the 2nd Saturday artist event. We hung out at Goose Feathers, met some shoppers, was interviewed by the LaPorte Herald Argus, and had a great time. If you live in La Porte, or close by, stop by Goose Feathers. Not only do we have a super cute display and fabulous charms, but the rest of the store is really cute too! Jo and I both purchased a couple items while we were there.
Jo and I, and our families, relaxed all day on the beach on Sunday. Definitely needed after our crazy Saturday. It was a perfect boogie boarding/body surfing day. The waves were HUGE! Of course, I forgot my camera, so I can't visually back up my claim at the size of the waves. But I seriously don't remember them ever being any bigger than they were on Sunday. Crazy big...and so much fun! Me and my bikini had a hard time dealing with the force of the waves! I always had to check myself before standing up...I think I probably flashed some underwater lake life during the course of the day! So much fun!!
Tuesday Jo and I took our kids to Brookfield Zoo. The weather was perfect; partly cloudy and not too hot. Here are a couple pics from the day.
I would include a pic of Jo on her scooter, but she would probably get really mad at me! Since her back still isn't better, she rented a scooter to get around the zoo. She rode it like a champ and didn't run over any kids. Yea Jo!!
Jo's kids started school on Tuesday, but mine don't start until next Wednesday, so I took my kids back to the beach on Thursday. No waves on Thursday, the water was really calm. Of course, I remembered to bring my camera but no exciting waves for fabulous picture taking fun. So I just took a couple random shots, just because the beach is so gorgeous and I pinch myself everyday that I live here again. I really missed the beach and "my" lake! And the beach was practically empty 'cause some schools had already started!
So after a week of play, Jo and I are ready to focus on Hopie-Jo again! My super fabulous friend Michelle (she designed our logo/stickers/business cards, etc) ordered some Hopie-Jo swag for her niece's birthday. Hopie-Jo LOVES CUSTOM ORDERS (I think we've mentioned that before). Here is a pic of what we put together for her niece.
We have 2 craft shows coming up, the LaPorte Sunflower Festival on September 18 and a Holiday Craft Show at Indian Trail Elementary School in LaPorte in November. Along with preparing for those shows, we are going to try and get our product into a couple more local stores, one in Valparaiso and one in Chesterton. And we are going to get lots more product on our Etsy site. Lots to do, but with kids in school, we'll have more time to get it all done!
Posted by HopieJo at 1:39 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 13, 2010
Busy day tomorrow!
Hopie-Jo has a BIG day tomorrow!!!! Beginning at 8:30ish am and ending around 8:00ish pm. That's a long day...but we are excited!!!
First stop, Reins of Life Dog and Pony Show. What a great organization! We are so excited to be a part of their first ever Dog and Pony Show fundraiser. There will be lots of different dog and horse related demonstrations and events throughout the day, along with vendors (we will have a booth set up) and also a silent auction (we've donated a charm holder, 3 charms, and a necklace to the auction). It takes place tomorrow, Saturday, August 14 from 10:00am - 4:00 pm. at their location in Michigan City, Indiana at 9375 W. CR 300 North. If you're local, stop by! It's gonna be a fun day. Click here for more information on the event.
Immediately following the Dog and Pony Show, Hopie-Jo will be headed to La Porte for the 2nd Saturday local artist event. Hopie-Jo products are now being sold at Goose Feathers, 515 State Street, LaPorte, IN, and we will be at the store tomorrow evening from 5:00 - 8:00 pm. Click here for more information on LaPorte's 2nd Saturday event. Swing by Goose Feathers tomorrow evening and check out our bottle cap bling and the rest of the super cute store!
We can't believe the summer is almost over! Once the kiddos are back at school, Hopie-Jo will be putting a lot of time and effort into our Etsy site and also getting our product into other local stores.
AND, our website will be done soon!!! We have a fabulous designer working on it and we hope to get it launched within the next couple weeks. Thank you Danielle!!
See everyone at the Dog and Pony Show or 2nd Saturday in LaPorte!
Posted by HopieJo at 9:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Summer Time...and the livin' is easy
I just realized I never posted pics from the craft fair we did way back in May (is it really July already?)
We've had a few sales on Etsy this summer. But honestly, we haven't been putting the time and effort into our shop like we should. Hopefully that will change.
We have been filling a lot of custom orders (yeah! we love custom orders!) and getting ready to pitch ourselves into other local stores. We have a meeting on Tuesday with a shop in La Porte and hopefully they will decide to carry our stuff. We will let you know how it goes!
Jo, ever the creative one full of new ideas, came up with a new idea for bottle cap bling purses....tie dye!! Check out this fabric she tie dyed!

Hard to believe summer is half over! Enjoy what is left of it!
Posted by HopieJo at 6:05 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 28, 2010
Our First Craft Show, Bottle Cap Bling Purses and a Coupon!
Jo and I have been working hard getting ready for our first craft show! We have around 200 bottle cap charms, over 30 bottle cap bow barrettes, over 30 bottle cap bow headbands, 6 charm holders (4 hold charms and barrettes!) and 6 of our newest item, bottle cap bling purses!!! WHEW!! We've been busy!!! First, any of you local folks looking for something fun to do on Saturday, come see us at the New Buffalo Craft Fair! The fair will be held at St. John United Church of Christ, 200 West Buffalo St. in New Buffalo, MI from 10:00am - 4:00 p.m. (Michigan time). The weather is supposed to be beautiful so stop by the craft show, hit the beach, finish with a fabulous meal at Redamaks...sounds like a great way to spend the day!! AND, for all our readers, a coupon!!!!! Print out the below coupon, bring it to the craft fair, and receive a 20% discount! Excellent!!!!
Can't just gloss over the fact we have a new product! We are now selling Bottle Cap Bling Purses. They are sooooooo cute!!!!! We need to thank our fabulous sister-in-law Tina! She is the one constructing the purses. Jo and I don't know how to work a sewing machine....I know...embarrassing...maybe one day. When we had the idea for making purses, we knew who to turn to, Tina, she is master of the sewing machine (and she is oh so creative!!) Jo and I gathered fabric, new, vintage, and up-cycled, and gave it to Tina so she could work her magic and create cutie purses! And then Jo and I bling them up with bottle caps and bows. Take a look at a few that will be available at the craft fair this weekend:

Look how cute the bottle cap bow is on this one!!

The divine Miss O modeling one of the purses.
We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe weekend! A heartfelt "THANK YOU" goes out to our troops and all those who have served in the armed forces.
Happy Memorial Day to all!!
Posted by HopieJo at 6:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Good News, the Bad News, and Hopie's Rockin' New Scarf
I should probably let you know the bad news first. Hopie-Jo has been rejected. *sigh* It's tough to be rejected. This is our first rejection and it doesn't feel good. We have been rejected by Chesterton's European Market!! I KNOW, we couldn't believe it either. So, we won't be selling our bottle cap bling at the Market as previously announced....bummer....never would have make us feel better they said they love our stuff but they have a "block" on jewelry...whatever that means. Doesn't make it sting any less.
So on to the good news! 'Cause good news is sooooooo much more fun! Jo and I are headed up to New Buffalo, Michigan tomorrow to get our picture taken, along with our bottle caps, barrettes, and headbands, for a press release for the craft fair we are doing up there Memorial Day weekend (take that European Market!! BLAH!) We are so excited! Gotta love free press! :) Anyone in the NW Indiana or SW Michigan area, here is the info on the craft fair.
St. John United Church of Christ, 200 West Buffalo, New Buffalo Michigan, on Saturday, May 29, 2010, from 10:00 AM—4:00 PM, EDT (Michigan Time)
Come on by, we will be there! We're gonna be in a press release to prove it.
And last but not least, remember this blog when I gushed all about our friends and how talented they are. And I also told you about a giveaway that my friend at Whoopsie Daisies was doing? Well, I didn't win the scarf (sadness) but I did decide to buy one. And boy am I glad I did!!!! It is gorgeous. I love it!!! I'm going to wear it out with my husband for our anniversary. I have no idea what else I'm going to wear, but I do know the whole outfit is going to be built around the scarf. Look how great it is!
Posted by HopieJo at 12:22 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
Bows…really…more bows?
Jo and I never subjected our daughters, when they were little, to placing a bow, big or small, in their hair. It just wasn’t our thing. We were never big advocates of the baby headband, or giant bows larger than the child’s head. Don’t get me wrong, we were never anti-bow, just never jumped on the bow bandwagon, which proved very hard for me when I moved to Little Rock, and my daughter was only 3, and the south LOVES big bows; the bigger the better. I felt a little out of place not sticking a giant bow in my daughter’s hair. But she didn’t seem to mind. She would barely let me brush her hair, there was no way she was going to let me put something in it.
So, with our indifference to bows, what the heck are we doing making so many of them?!?!?! Maybe if Hopie-Jo bottle cap bow barrettes and headbands had been in existence when our girls were younger, we might have had an entirely different outlook on the big bow! Because take a look at this!

Can this precious girl get any cuter!!!! And how cute is that bow headband?

She was the perfect model. Never fussed once, even as we changed the bows and kept snapping shots.

Yes, we are now on the bow bandwagon. We LOVE bows. I’ll even be wearing a bottle cap bow headband at Chesterton’s European Market in a couple weeks. All you local folks swing by the European Market on May 1 and witness first hand our new found love of bows.
And fear not, our bottle cap charms are still a very big part of our business. Just ask my daughter, she is quite the salesperson. I think she sold $50 worth of charms and necklaces to her classmates last week. And we still have about 7 orders to fill. I think they are finally catching on up here.
We are also knee deep in custom orders! YIIPPPEEEE!!! We are waiting for some supplies to come in, but once they do we will have Cubs, Bears, Black Hawks, White Sox, IU, Purdue (as much as it pains me to type Purdue, all my Hoosier alumni buddies, fear not, Jo will be making all things Purdue related so I don’t end up with hives or something) Butler Bulldogs (Hoosier basketball at its finest), Duke (because order has been restored), Arkansas (woo pig sooey) Pulaski Academy, Chesterton Trojans, LaPorte Slicers, maybe even Valparaiso Vikings (although Valpo=Alpo. I had that on a swim shirt in high school), Michigan City Wolves, and the list goes on and on. Again, we love custom orders. And we can customize the barrettes, headbands, or charms. We aim to please.
And don’t forget about our newsletter that doesn’t exist yet. If you want to be one of the first to receive our awesome newsletter that we will one day design and email out, send us an email to and let us know you want to be included. We promise it will be worth it! Coupons and stuff….everyone likes coupons!
Oh, one last thing, Wrights Flowers and Gifts in
Posted by HopieJo at 6:33 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 9, 2010
We've got such talented and creative friends!
This is my first, off the cuff, blog. I'm one of those bloggers who will write it first (that's right, write, pen to old school), then type it into word, then read it a hundred times, while tweaking and editing and still not be completely satisfied in the end, but I will then cut and paste it into the blog and be done with it. So I have no idea how this one will go...there's no turning back, I got one shot (not really, I can always edit it, but that's not as exciting to say).
Hopie-Jo has incredibly talented friends. The first one is Lee-Ann and her fabulous Etsy shop Whoopsie Daisies. She is all vintage all the time and sews like a pro. You need to go check out her blog, Whoopsie Daisies Days because she is currently doing a giveaway. I really shouldn't be sending you all to her blog for the giveaway, cause I really REALLY want to win the scarf, but she is my friend, and I want to help her out and get her name out there as much as possible. We've been friends for a long time. First our older brothers were friends, and then our families became friends. I grew up going to July 4th picnics at her parents farmhouse (she and I would play Charlies Angels in the barn...oh yeah, we go back a long way) and our families spent Christmas Eves together, and still do! We were even on the high school pom squad together. If I knew where any of my old pics were, I'd include one. Anyway, the whole point of this is to send you over to her blog, here so you can check out how fabulously creative she is. And you should also become her fan on Facebook.
Super talented awesome friend number 2 is Michelle. Michelle and I worked together at PA in Little Rock. She is a super talented graphic designer, a wonderful writer, and a great friend. She also has a blog all about her adventures as a mom. She has the cutest little girl, Lily. Read all about their adventures,here.
Michelle is responsible for our new Hopie-Jo logo (as seen above). WE LOVE IT!!! She is also making us business cards and a banner for our Etsy shop. Cuz we currently don't have a banner and our shop looks really dull. Thank you so much Michelle for helping us out!! And for being so darn talented. And for being a great friend!!
Super talented awesome friend number 3 is Melissa. Melissa and I were Brownie Troop leaders together for our daughters Brownie Troop (our daughters are great friends!). We had so much fun together!!! And I really got to see and appreciate her talent as an artist. She and her husband have a website that highlights their work, check it out Aguiar Art Designs, here. Because Melissa has a heart of gold and likes to help her friends (in this instance, me) she is making us, Hopie-Jo, animated banners and blinkies. She has done some great designs for us, now I just need to ask her to tweak her designs and insert our new logo. Here is a banner she is currently working on for us as seen on her blog here. Melissa also does electronic scrapbooking and creates gorgeous pages! So make sure to check out her blog too, here.Her blog is so full of cool graphic type blinkie stuff...she needs to teach me how to bling up this blog! Melissa, help!
We have lots of other talented, creative and wonderful friends, but we'll have to tell you about them later. Especially our friend currently creating a website for us! You'll learn all about her when our site goes live and we gush all about her in a blog!
We are lucky girls with such wonderful friends!
Posted by HopieJo at 1:21 PM 1 comments
Saturday, March 27, 2010
WARNING: WAY off topic!!
My husband and I are spending the weekend in Chicago celebrating our mutual 40th birthdays. I turned 40 last month and he turns 40 next month. So, his wonderful family put us up in the Four Seasons in downtown Chicago for a weekend birthday celebration...but I digress, I'm not writing to talk about my fabulous weekend in Chicago, but more specifically the fabulous concert we saw Friday night and some observations.
We saw Tegan and Sara at the Aragon Ballroom. First of all, this was my first concert experience at the Aragon Ballroom and I sincerely hope it is not my last. What a fabulous venue! Second, Tegan and Sara rock the most and if I wasn't such a fanatical fan before the concert, I definitely would be after the concert. Damn they're good! I've been a Tegan and Sara fan for a several years now. I became a fan right around the time "Walking with a Ghost" was released. I love their music and lyrics. I'm one of those people who uses music to help me get through various situations in life. Tegan and Sara have helped me through more situations, good and bad, than I care to recall.
An observation from the concert, call me old...or call me old school...but what the hell is happening to concerts these days? Not the performers, but the audience?! When I'm at a concert, I sing along, dance, move, yell, clap, scream, make a complete and utter spectacle of myself. That's what a concert is for, right? Getting into the music. However, last night, I think I was hanging in the mellow old lady section or something. I was the only one moving, singing, not able to sit still in my seat. All those around me were too busy recording, taking pictures, and updating Facebook with their phone. Really?! Why go to a concert to view it though the screen of your phone? Insane?!? Or texting or updating Facebook? Why? Watch the show!!!! There is a live performance going on in front of their face yet they are too busy recording it so they can watch it back later?!?! HUH? If I want to watch concert footage on my computer or phone, I'll search YouTube. I go to a concert to watch the show. If I want to see pictures of a concert, I can get that off some random website. Why expericence a concert through a phone? I just don't get it. I tried to join in and I took one picture on my phone, actually, my husband took the picture on his phone. He graduated from Duke so he spent most of the concert checking his phone for Duke/Purdue score updates (thankfully Duke won). Here is the pic he took:
I must admit, I was on the second level and not on the floor, so perhaps I was with the old/mellow crowd, but looking down onto the floor, I saw the same thing happening...phones glowing, recording, taking pictures. I just don't get it. Okay, tangent is over. I've said my peace. Tegan and Sara rocked! One of those bands that sound just as good, if not better live than on their record. I used the word record... I'm vintage!
Oh, and if you didn't know, we are Hopie-Jo and we make bottle caps and bows. Even though you wouldn't know it from this particular blog! Thank you for letting me vent. We have new bows and a new charm holder listed on Funky Finds. Make sure you check 'em out!

Posted by HopieJo at 3:27 PM 0 comments